Winter in Brisbane
OK, I must admit winter in Brisbane is not as bad compare to the rest of Australia or the world, but goodness some days it does make its presence known.
How are you all going? I bet some of you are enjoying the hot weather from your end of the world, while we in Australia are layering up to keep warm.
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As you go through the rest of the week, I want you to remember this ‘ whatever it is that you are going through, you are better and stronger than it and it won’t last forever.
For me, recently I have been feeling stuck and not wanting to do anything, once I start feeling that way I run to the throne and uplight myself with things that make me laugh or empowers me. One thing I found really good that helps me is when I reach out to inspire someone else, while I am struggling with my life. Remove the focus from you and on to others, who need help and you will see how much better you feel as well and make things become more clearer in your life
Today’s look is very basic and casual. Super comfy. Seriously some days in Brisbane you will want to cover everything up. A basic white tee and a pair of black jeans always do the trick, and in this case, I have added the denim shirt from H&M men) to give the look an extra feel, I was going for a baggy fit. Can you believe that I have owned these boots for 3 years and just wearing it for the first time? I usually get rid of things, but there was something about these boots that made me hang on to them. Works so perfect for those cold winter dates with friends or hanging out with family. Ok, now the highlight for this look is my warm and fluffy handbag from adorne, I adore this bag so stylish, warm and a go too for winter trust me.