Tag: Style
Awake your Spirit———-LIFE
“Every Experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it”
O’ death, where is your sting. I’m shocked with the news of the sudden death of a dear aunt of mine. She went to bed on Tuesday and didn’t wake up, no one knew till Friday because she live alone in her apartment (teary eyes). She was one amazing and free spirited person full of life and happiness, and people always feed off her energy. It was never a dull moment with her.
Grandpa glasses
‘Do what you can with what you have where you are’ Theodore Roosevelt
Enjoy the place where you are now and take every opportunity to learn from it. Hope you all are doing great. As for me, am feeling a bit geeky and cheeky at the same time with this glasses I bought from Zara the other day. Not my norm, but I found it really cool. Do you have one cool item in your closet as well?
Stay bright and Colourful
‘Stay focus and look at the bright side of life’
It’s midweek again. Don’t you just love the feeling that you are half way to the weekend again. What are you plans for the weekend? Am having a little getaway with the family, driving 14hrs to see my inlaws. That’s a trip for sure and I will be sleeping almost all the way.
Today I am sharing the pictures from the shoot i did couple of weeks ago for an interview on being a blogger and my aspirations. I shared a link here , you can have a read just in case you didn’t see it previously.
Making Green work for me
‘Don’t be in a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let your life surprise you’
I saw this quote above and I’ve been holding on tight to this concept of living, so these days I sit down and smile in appreciation of life, including everything I have, everything I am currently striving towards and accepting the things I know I can’t have. With that in mind, I hold onto faith that all the veers are all path to take me to my destination.
Add a Mustard Mesh Top
I like wearing Black because you can blend it with multiple of colours and it will still work with your outfit. The same concept applies to life, our lives are not perfect but we can choose to be happy or sad. We can remain happy by adding the right attitude, perception, perseverance etc to live this one life we have.