Tag: casual
Build others with your words
“Encourage each other and build each other up”

Awake your Spirit———-LIFE
“Every Experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it”
O’ death, where is your sting. I’m shocked with the news of the sudden death of a dear aunt of mine. She went to bed on Tuesday and didn’t wake up, no one knew till Friday because she live alone in her apartment (teary eyes). She was one amazing and free spirited person full of life and happiness, and people always feed off her energy. It was never a dull moment with her.
Grandpa glasses
‘Do what you can with what you have where you are’ Theodore Roosevelt
Enjoy the place where you are now and take every opportunity to learn from it. Hope you all are doing great. As for me, am feeling a bit geeky and cheeky at the same time with this glasses I bought from Zara the other day. Not my norm, but I found it really cool. Do you have one cool item in your closet as well?
Good vibes
‘Spread some good vibes’
This is from me to you.
– You are more than enough don’t let anyone deter you from that belief. It doesn’t matter what you are going through or feeling right now. Nothing last forever and when you think you can’t take it anyone and at the brink of giving up, just give it your last push and it’s usually end up to be the only thing that was required for the beak through.