Author: Sonishspace

  • Just Casual

    Just Casual

    They Say when Life gives you Lemon, You make lemonade but what if you don’t like lemonade. What would you make with you lemon?

    Ok so how are you all doing? Missed you heaps. I always do trust me. Am doing great not only because it’s my birthday month but because during this time last year I was putting my dreams into action by pushing the switch button to turn the light on and bring to life the blog called sonishspace.

    Everything start in your mind but should not stay in your mind only because once you find the courage to share, it increases in value and open doors to many more exciting experiences which has happened to me as a blogger. After a whole year of procrastination I told me myself, Sonia you can do this just believe in yourself and am glad I was able to listen to the sensible side of my brain(hahaha). Well that was the start of the journey in nutshell.

    I will be talking about my experiences so far in blogging in upcoming posts to celebrate such a milestone and some surprises coming your way which am not actually sure what it will be so till then, wait patiently.

    Like I said earlier it’s my birthday month and its next week so it’s officially countdown from today so please help me. Ok what’s with the secrecy the actual date is on the 29th so keep me in your prayers and send me your love in words at least LOL.

    I know lots of things are happening in your life right now and some which may be dimming your light and make you feel you are drifting back into the darkness that you fought so hard to get out of and now you are thinking what’s the point maybe that’s where God wants me to be because of all my sins but I tell you it’s a BIG LIE and do not fall for that trick by Satan. You are more than that and despite what you may feel or what the world is telling you just look to the one who loves you unconditionally and gave up his life so you can have life more abundantly. You deserve even more than your mind can fathom so hold on and keep up the fight he is with you all the way through. You will overcome.

    Love you guys and have a good weekend. Oh wait Australia let us have a great long weekend and remember all those brave men who died for their country.

    My Fashion Corner

    Well TGIF so let’s keep it casual chic. I usually go on and on about how I create a look but this one just speak for itself. In two words Just Casual. Well I have to talk about my Zara frill heels don’t you just love the uniqueness of it. I have to grab it quick when it we on sales when the first Zara store opened in my city (please don’t laugh Australia we are a little bit behind the rest of the world in somethings)

    Details: Crop Top: sportgirl, Pants: Forever21, Heels: Zara, handbag: Zara





  • Possibilities


    Happy Easter to you all!  Spread your wings and fly like the eagle because anything is possible in life if you just believe. Trust you all are well and doing well too.

    “Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can’t begin to explore your possibilities”. Tim Fargo

    Letting go of the old sometimes is the best thing to do if we want to grow and embrace new opportunities. We should learn to nurture opportunity!  God wants to help us achieve our dreams, but he can’t help us if  we don’t put in the work to make him answer our prayers. (more…)

  • The Lady in Red

    The Lady in Red

    I’m the lady in red today

    It’s Friday!!!!!(TGIF). Well, am excited and sad at the same time as it’s my last Friday at my old job before I start another  adventure in about 9 days to be precise. Find out more about my new job in this post.

    So how are you all doing? Any plans for the weekend? Am great and still recovering from last weekend  which I spent in Sydney  attending a concert with my girlfriend. Its was fun and the artist Korede Bello ( Nigerian musician who is also part of the Marvin crew) really engaged the audience.  Hence, the  reason I’m home bound this weekend.

    Ok! before I  forget I will be re-taking the outfit I wore to the show as most of the photos were taken are dark so keep a watch for it.

    I saw this quote the other day and wanted to share it

    “Be the kind of women who doesn’t spend her days worrying about the future because she knows that no matter what does or doesn’t happen this week, month, this semester, this day at work or this year, God will still fulfil his purpose for her” (a little emphasis added)

    So let’s learn to slow down and keep the faith because worrying won’t change anything at all but steal our happiness. I myself is so guilty of worrying, Let’s be still believing God will fulfil his purpose in our lives no matter our present circumstance.

    My fashion Corner:

    As the saying goes action speak louder than words, so, in this case, I will let the dress speak for itself. The colour Red is always a hit no matter what and the way this dress hold all the loose ends together leaves me speechless and in awe and that was the answer I needed to bring it HOME where it belongs in my CLOSET.

    Outfit Details:

    Dress: Kookai, Heels: Tony Bianco, Clutch: Adorne

  • In Fairness I wasn’t really sure

    In Fairness I wasn’t really sure

    Happy Friday and Happy Belated International women day!

    Oh my-my, women have really come a long way fighting for fairness in a world were we are always seen as the weaker vessel. We have changed so much and it always excite me to see strong women stand up for what they believe in and pursue it. (more…)

  • In Peace

    In Peace

    Can you believe we are in March already…Oh my

    Missed you all. Sorry about me being MIA  for a month. How are you all doing?. Honestly, I really don’t have an excuse for not making time for what I love, but sometimes my mind is just too occupied with things to accomplish and I tend to neglect other important aspects of my life (work in progress). Welcome to Autumn to all my Aussie fam.

    OK! for me last month was really hectic. I was sick for two weeks with cold in summer can you imagine that. It was the most annoying weeks ever and to make matter worse cold sores on my nose and lip to crown it all ( annoying! annoying). Apart from that, everything else is great and blossoming.

    Now to the best part of last month. (more…)

  • Black & Gold

    Black & Gold

    There are days when all I want is a lazy day to stay in bed and do nothing, it been those days lately as the weather is too hot to do anything at all. I should be grateful which  I am but oh my. So how have you all been? Hot or Cold?

    I haven’t been up to much lately just Work and Tennis. I am a big Tennis Fan, but I never held a racket to play that’s weird I know! So yesterday was Women’s Final at the Australia Open tournament and Serena Williams lost I was almost in tears and turn my TV off just to calm my nerves and get some water to soothe my dry throat after screaming so many C’MON, C’MON SW its was just too hard for me to take so I went straight to bed and didn’t even wait for the closing ceremony, but to be fair the opponent Angelique Kerber played exceptionally well.
    As I write this post it dawn on me how we give up on others because they are not doing what we expect of them or how sometimes people give up (more…)

  • Do ‘GOOD’

    Do ‘GOOD’

    Hello beautiful people, hope you all are fantastic and have had a great week and an amazing weekend. I also hope you guys have been adding colours to people lives and making a difference. If you ask me, my week was slower than expected but thanks to the mighty Lord for being there and guiding me through.

    Last week I talked about being a rainbow in someone’s cloud. This week I just want to add on to that and remind us all to continue to do good and not get weary. This is very hard for some of us based on our experiences and the world we live in today, where someone can use and abuse you and think nothing of you. (more…)

  • Add Colour

    Add Colour

    Welcome back to SS. Hope you all have been keeping well and your week went by as expected, if not just remember to press the restart button and start afresh.

    The other day I was browsing pinterest and I came across a quote by the late Maya Angelou which has been in my heart the whole week and am really trying to put that in practice with everyone one I crossed path with now which is like an emphasis of what I stated in my last post about being kind to everyone you meet.

    “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud” Maya Angelou (more…)

  • Start Anew

    Start Anew

    Happy Happy New to you all. I hope your Christmas and New year was great and filled with love, loads of gifts and lots of delicious Food consumption.  For me Christmas was spent at home eating through out the day and helping my son open his presentsssss (with a little emphasis) as everything under the tree was for him, I guess he is enjoying the time as an only child for now, new years eve was spent at home partying and praying from 11.45pm to 12 midnight and start partying again haha no sleep at all till the previous day, oh the fun you can have partying at the comfort of your home.

    So its 2016, oh my my my  its the 10th already as the old saying goes time and tide wait for no man. Are you like me that don’t make resolutions anymore as we never keep to them, then that’s a good idea. For me I usually reconcile my life to be greatful for the good and the bad the previous year and for the bad I write it off as bad debt which means these items are closed in the books ( Just using my accounting terms). (more…)

  • Ask the Question

    Ask the Question

    Well, I guess I will start by wishing you all a Merry Christmas in advance as its only a day away. How are you all been? Are you still doing last minute shopping or are you some of the planned and organised ones who get everything done and dusted early and look at us going crazy trying to find last minute presents. (more…)