Author: Sonishspace

  • Leaving all my fears on the street in style.

    Leaving all my fears on the street in style.

    None of my fears can't go where I'm headed

    I’m usually not the type to look up the lyrics of a song, but when I heard the mood 4 ever song by Beyonce from the Gift album, I was drawn to check out the lyrics. So, I looked up the lyrics and I was instantly drawn to this statement “none of my fears can’t go where I’m headed”. Can you relate? Well, say it a couple of times before moving on 1….2….3… OK! I hope this affirmation has somehow helped to shake off some of the uneasiness that is currently weighing you down. Whatever it is, you can get through it.

    How are you? Happy new year! I can still say that since we are still in January. I feel like I haven’t kept you up to date like forever. Let me start, I am well on all fronts – work, family and living life is keeping me busy in a good way. If you follow me on Instagram (@sonish_space) you get to see a bit more.

    To become successful in anything we have to take action despite being scared, to be courageous in the face of fear

    Ok, let’s talk about this famous word ‘FEAR’ or should I say emotion? Fear is a word and emotion we are all familiar with. What is Fear? Fear is defined by google as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm”. I have experienced this unpleasant emotion all my life. I am feeling it right now writing this post, but guess what, you are reading this post. Did you get the giveaway of how to deal with fear?
    Fear will always be part of our lives. I have never met anyone who hasn’t experience any unpleasant emotions daily. If you are not part of the statistics, please share your strategy and by the way, which planet are you from? because in this current world we live in we have become excessively fearful, which is as a result of so many underlying factors. .. are you thinking so few right now?….Think about that.
    Fear will always be part of your life. You have to choose to use fear as a springboard to push yourself forward instead of allowing it to cripple you. Trust me, fear can cripple you if you don’ deal with it. I am a living testimony. I use to fear what people will say or think about me, losing my job, death, not having enough money, losing my family and well the list is endless. One thing I have come to realise is that some things cannot be fixed, but can be adequately managed with daily positive practice. That’s how I have been dealing with my fears. Even during the positive practice, there will be bad days and good days. So you have to learn to appreciate deeply the good days because you will need to call on them during the bad days.

    What is fear to me? Fear is my sceptic inner voice that is always the first to ask me questions as soon as I decide to step outside of my comfort zone, using all my past mistakes as references to caution me. At times in a good way, I created this voice fortunately and unfortunately. How you may ask? I have consciously and unconsciously fed this voice by just living life. I don’t blame this voice because, in the past, I paid too much attention to it and let it drown my other reasoning voices. Now, if this voice is shouting one thing I tend to do the opposite. Like the saying goes, whatever you focus on expands.


    How do I deal with fear? In so many ways, but here are a few ways that I deal with fear every day and I hope you can resonate with one at least.

    Here we go:

      1. I fill my mind with positive things – by doing things that make me laugh, I surround myself with positive people (find your tribe), reading an inspiring book or simply listening to my favourite music (I have a playlist called ‘my happy songs’), podcasts or preachings. I also surround myself with positive affirmations at work and at home.
      2. Smile more – I was reading a HuffPost and it states that one way to deal with fear is to smile. SMILE. I love to smile and I had a haha moment because I love to smile. I always find something to smile about. TRUST ME, there is so much happening around you that will put a smile on your face. FORCE IT if you may, but just smile.
      3. Let things flow. My expectations and attachment to things and people have decreased over the years. Well, in the past 3 years at least. Not like I don’t care, but I am not as fearful now as to what might happen if I lose people or things. I now allow things to flow. Whatever will be, will be.

    It’s ok to be fearful, but don’t let it stop you. Sure, fear is usually a reaction to something happening around us, but the feeling of fear always starts from within. So, check yourself regularly and resolve issues as they arise. Remember, if you created it, you can take it away too.

    My style Corner

    Are you a street style person? I do love a street style look and in all fairness, a nice pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a statement heels can take you far. Try it. Did you notice my mobile accessory? I got mine from pyrnlife in coco. This is my go-to now because I am tired of my phone getting lost in my handbag. Being a mother of a toddler I have to carry so many things in my handbag for just in case- mess, bribery snacks for the foreseen behaviours. With all that in my handbag no wonder my phone always get lost in my handbag.


  • Boiler suit Alert

    Boiler suit Alert

    Boiler suit alert. Are you in or out on this trend?

    I know it’s been a minute (I have no excuse). This blog post has been in my draft for months, so at 1 am in the morning I finally won the battle over procrastination, hence why you are reading this yay!

    How are you? Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Ok, Let’s talk about this boiler suit trend. I am not even sure why this is a trend now ( was in heavy rotation 2018 and early 2019) because it has been around for years. Tradies or someone in a factory is wearing one right now. I don’t get it at all, but that’s fashion, right?

    But why are they called Boiler suits? Boilersuits are so-called because they were first worn by men maintaining coal-fired boilers. Hmmm feeling the heat already.

    But why are they called Boiler suits? Boilersuits are so-called because they were first worn by men maintaining coal-fired boilers. Hmmm feeling the heat already.

    I was easily pulled into the mix when I saw it on Victoria Beckham and other fellow bloggers. To be honest, they are stylish, relaxed, easy to pair and really do maintain a statement appeal like this one I scored from Zara for $20 under from $179. It was an impulse buy and I would have never really bought it at that price…… NO WAY

    Comfortable, minimal and perfect for activities (what can’t you do wearing one), the humble jumpsuit has managed to infiltrate most wardrobe, and seriously though I think it’s only getting bigger from here — As we are in winter- spring here in Australia, there’s never been a better time to stock up.

    Honestly, after owning one myself I can truly agree with others now that the boiler suit/jumpsuit trend is a fairly simple one to pull off. Pair yours with slides or low boots, add something glitzy like a brooch or pair of long earrings and call it a day. Jump on/in!


  • Your attitude makes all the difference. Think great thoughts.

    Your attitude makes all the difference. Think great thoughts.

    Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. Benjamin Disraeli. So change your attitude to set up your aptitude.

    Denim dress: Boohoo (old 2017) Similar,  Cropped  Shirt: Missguided (old) I like this Here, Heels: Tony bianco (old): similar Here, bag: I like this Here. Glasses: I like this Here

    Your Body, Your heart, your mind and your spirit are your tools. You need all of these tools to be in a usable condition to achieve whatever you want to achieve. You must value your own time and energy. Stop the fear-based mentality and just enjoy life and strive to be the best you can be. THINK BIG.

    Denim dressOk, let us talk about this denim dress that is making a buzz on my IG (sonish_space). I bought this denim dress from boohoo (I came even find the order confirmation from boohoo) in 2017 and just left it with the other not sure pile in my suitcase and didn’t even realise it was there, until my friend (NINIQUE_MEDIA) came over to my house and we were organising for a shoot when she noticed it and we decided to create this modern geek look. So this outfit was just one of those no brainer combo by accident (lol).  The cropped shirt is from missguided (old too).

    Are you a denim girl? I like denim because it never goes out of style and you can rock it in any season. How would you have styled this dress? Don’t forget to comment and let me know what you think.

    Thanks so much for the love. Sending you all lots of love and light.



  • Be Winter ready

    Be Winter ready

    Oh winter, the season I love to hate. I love the fashion and not the season itself. There is something about winter fashion that I really love. Well, I love the layering, the boots, scarfs, coats, jackets and everything you choose to add to keep warm.

    Are you ready for winter? Let me tell you about one thing you need to be winter ready.

    Top: Here  Skirt: Here Boots: Here Glasses: Here  Denim Jacket: Here Hangbag: Here


  • Recognising opportunities in my green suit and granddad glasses

    Recognising opportunities in my green suit and granddad glasses

    I believe there are opportunities everywhere and it’s up to us to recognise them and take action.
     SUIT: Here   Heels:  Here   Glasses: Here


  • I wear pink to celebrate women on International Women’s Day

    I wear pink to celebrate women on International Women’s Day

    Hi, lovely peep,

    Thanks for always stopping by, today I wanted to share the below caption I shared on Instagram to celebrate International Women’s Day.

    If you are a woman reading this, I am so proud of all that you do and if you are a man reading this, thank you for supporting us to be all that we were created to be and for recognising us as equals and nothing less.

    Enjoy the read

    I wear pink to celebrate women on International Women's Day (more…)

  • Snakeskin and neon are making big moves in 2019

    Snakeskin and neon are making big moves in 2019

    Loving the snakeskin trend

    Shop the look here

    Shop my look

    Handbag from adorne here

    Mindset matters (more…)

  • What are you saying to yourself?

    What are you saying to yourself?

    Shop My Look

    Have you ever catch yourself saying to yourself ‘ how dumb you can be and all the derogatory words that you wouldn’t say to someone else etc.  The things we tell ourselves consciously and unconsciously blows my mind now that am taking inventory of the things I let slide into my thoughts.

    Some days I find myself asking myself ‘Sonia why are you thinking this? Why are you allowing yourself to think so low of yourself and others? Then the guilt and judgement will sway in and pass the verdict that I am a horrible and terrible person and then take my happiness and joy away as a form of punishment for those thoughts. This has been the circle since I gained consciousness (exaggerating of course for some effect). Since the beginning of 2018, I set myself on this journey of finding my true authentic self and learning from people who have done the work and how I can do the same. The first thing I learned was you are human and you are allowed to think those thoughts and that’s ok. No need for judgement or guilt just let it slide through like a cloud. I was confused about how it’s possible to achieve this awareness and control (nothing is impossible and impossibility is just a temporary state of mind). Then these words follow, it is what is it, once you start healing yourself from the inside and work on building your higher self, letting the thoughts slide that doesn’t serve your higher purpose will just come naturally with every positive action you take towards your higher true authentic self. No striving, give yourself time. It’s a journey and I,m so excited to take this journey in my life right now.

     se  smile Walk in positive actitonAt this point in my life, I welcomed change and the experience to be my true authentic self and I am using words that affirm me to this direction. When I find myself being anxious about the future I tell myself – All is well

    When I find myself lost and confused all which direction to take and question my existence I tell myself- I am becoming more and more clear about myself every day. I have a purpose. Give yourself time and trust the process. I allow myself to get frustrated and circle back inside to check in where is this thought coming from and breathe. Trust me deep breathing can do so much good to you. Why didn’t I find that out earlier?

    When I find myself questioning my self-worth and comparing my life to others- I affirm myself with these words

      • I approve of myself

    • I am enough

    • I have all that I need and I am grateful for all my blessings. Thinking about it now, I think I will start naming specific blessings that I am grateful for.

    The list goes on and on. I now have a whiteboard at my bedside with my affirmations I change them every week, they are the last thing I see when I close my eyes and the first thing I see when I wake up. I am intentionally and conscious attracting the things I want to see in my life with my words.  Find your own words and change the way you speak to yourself. You are loved and a co-creator of your own destiny. So much power in you and I pray for you to use them to create the life you want.

    Let’s talk style

    This is my take on the power suit trend. I love this trend because you can totally make it your own. You can dress it up or add and give it your own twist. I didn’t go all suit up with this one, as I said it my own take on the trend and I don’t see it going away anytime soon.

    Jacket: Zara

    Pants: Asos

    Heels: Tony Bianco

    Handbag: Addison road


  • In the Process.. Keep fit in style in this Pretty Little Thing -PLT Activewear

    In the Process.. Keep fit in style in this Pretty Little Thing -PLT Activewear

     Happy New Year guys. Wow! If you are reading this I am so happy that you get to see 2019. I pray that this year will bring you all your heart desires and so much more, but you have to do the work and trust the process.

    In this day and age, we all want things so fast and quick and we are always finding ways to cut corners, but truth be told every great thing you want in life do take time to manifest. So not because you are not seeing a quick result doesn’t mean nothing is happening in the background. It’s like going to the gym, you will need to work for several months with sheer commitment, sweat, hard work to see the abs or whatever you are trying to achieve. Talking about gym and abs, is that part of your New Year resolutions? If so I wish you well, don’t quite because it’s hard. I made my decision mid last year to live a healthy lifestyle and to be a better version of myself.

    Trusting the process is something I’m still learning. For example, after giving birth to my daughter I wanted to snap back as soon as she popped out (literally), after going to the gym twice a day, strict diet and nothing was happening I was frustrated and heartbroken. I have to pull myself out of that mindset with support from loved ones that I have to trust the process and love my body at every stage. How powerful is our body, Gosh I bless it for putting up with me for so long (lol).


    Sometimes we find someone to motivate you. This is the Sexy Summer


    So in 2019, I have intentionally gone into that mindset of keep doing my best and trust the process and in due time the result will manifest itself. So I urge you to set your intentions, do the work and trust the process.

    Well for gym lovers this PLT sportswear range is a must have for the gym. Such a great variety and you will be able to mix and match it to spice up those hard gym sessions.

    What do you think?


  • Talent Inside of you. Walking in it with my novoshoes sandal

    Talent Inside of you. Walking in it with my novoshoes sandal

    Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!

    No what how bad you feel about yourself or how people may have made you feel about yourself, you have a talent, a special gift given to you by God to share with the world.

    I trust that you are doing well. Thank you all for being so patient with me, in regards to updating my blog. I have no excuse at all.

    I love this google definition:


    1.natural aptitude(gift) or skill.

    So pay attention to that natural flow, the things that just make your soul happy. Become more conscious of the things that inspire you to do your very best.  That is your gift and work on it, enhance it if need be.

    For me, I believe my talent/gift is the ability to inspire others with my words and actions. I am very intentional in the way I treat people and I always leave people better than I met them. love to affirm others and find the best in others because that is what I believe I called to do. In so doing helps me become the best version of myself.

    Check out Your Inspiration Platform where I share all things inspirational. It’s so important that whatever your gift you have to share it with love and make yourself and others better.

    Comment below and let me know what are your talents/gifts.

    Today lets talk about this sandal they are called MAARIA from novoshoes. They are the comfiest heels have owned by far and this leather shoulder bag from addison road.  They are both versatile pieces. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect pair of sandal and shoulder bag to add to your spring wardrobe, then these are must-haves that will look good with everything. Having it in black is an extra bonus as they will go with most items in your wardrobe.

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