Author: Sonishspace

  • The Black N White Effect

    The Black N White Effect

    Hi Dearies, Hope you are well.

    We Should not over think our Lives , it’s way too short for us not to live it to the fullest. We all have been though imaginable things but i hope that has made you a better person. Be happy for the journey in becoming the best person you can be. We are not made to be perfect but to live life in the imperfection knowing that our every mistakes, challenges is molding us to be the unique individual that we are. No one is you and that is the wonderful GIFT given to us by GOD. Be patient with yourself, growth takes time.
    So Live life in BLACK N WHITE and the little GREY area is the secret place for only you and GOD to commune. STAY BLESS.

    Outfit Details
    Shirt: Gap (Gumtree)
    Jeans: Old
    Clutch: Adorne


  • Orange + Cobalt

    Orange + Cobalt

    Hope all is well. Am feeling much better now as I was unwell for couple of days.

    Have you ever wonder what’s your purpose on earth is? I think about this all the time. Questions like am I in the right Job, Relationship, Church etc. I’m Learning to trust God that believing that he is directing my steps when I live for him because I was created by Him.

    “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are ..Anais Nin” Stay Blessed

    Outfit Details
    Dress: Ice
    Hangbag: theiconic
    Watch: theiconic
  • Denim on white

    Denim on white

    Hope you are well and doing great.

    As for me work has been really busy with the end of financial year fast approaching, apart from that I am well and I Thank God for everything.
    For the Past 3 Months I’ve been praying fervently for God to answer a request but he seems like the answer is No and last night I listen to a preaching


  • Black & Yellow

    Black & Yellow

    Hope you all are doing fabulous and pursuing your dreams.
    As I was telling you in my last post that I am reading a book(refer to my previous post) to help in my worrisome behavior. The book has a chapter about impatience which is a form of unbelief  that was an eye opener for me. I must say though that recently am learning to be patient  with myself and people, as I can’t force nor change people to respond to me when I need them to and life is a process some things are  meant to happen at a particular time. Just like the bible says there is a time for everything under the heaven.


  • That.. Boyfriend Shirt

    That.. Boyfriend Shirt

    Hi Dearies,
    Hope you all are well and doing great.

    Since the end of last year i decided to start wearing my smile no matter the situation. I am a worrisome type who constantly have anxiety about everything and anything, being a christian has always helped to minimize  it with preaching and reading the word of God and believing in it.
    Life is not always easy to figure out as you never know the turns and curves i guess that when faith comes in play. I am presently reading a book called battling unbelief by John Piper to help me in this area of my life.


  • Plaid………Out


    Hi Everyone,
    Hope you are well and doing Fabulous, I love the different line patterns in a Plaid material as it reminds me the Paths we walk THROUGH in life. Sometimes Straight, Narrow, Crooked or at a Curve I always believe am there for a purpose and I pray in due course the purpose of the path you are walking through right now will be revealed to you. Stay Bless.


  • Black…..Forest


    Hope you all are well and doing A-OK

    I like wearing Black because you can blend it with multiple of colours and it will still work with your outfit. The same concept applies to life,  our lives are not perfect but we can choose to be happy or sad. We can remain happy by adding the right attitude, perception, perseverance etc to live this one life we have.


  • Golden…….


    Hope you all are having a Fantastic day. Remember to Smile no matter the situation

    Outfit details
    Dress: Abyss
    Clutch: Adorne
    Heels: Tony Bianco
    Lipstick: Mac





  • Bright and Bubbly

    Bright and Bubbly

    Happy Weekend to you all. Am thankful for all God has done in my life. He who has started this work in our lives will take us to the complete end.
    Happy new week ahead, Stay bless and optimistic


  • The Aussie Way

    The Aussie Way

    Hi Mate,
    It’s been a couple of days and I wanted to share with you all my most essential item I own which is my Havaianas Thongs. It’s my go to for every situation. I wear them almost everywhere or in my handbag just in case.  Almost Everyone own one in Australia. As the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do. I Love them.
    Just wanted to tell you all that am doing well and please be patient as the blog is still work in progress, It will be user-friendly as soon as possible.
    Welcome to my space once again.

    Outfit Details
    Dress: Supre
    Shoes: Havaianas Thongs