Author: Sonishspace

  • Monochrome


    Happy Saturday. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far.

    My week has been excellent. Lot to thank God for.

    Having a dream is like planting a seed. First you have to sow, then continually water it with education, prayers, counselling, fellowship, life experiences, sleepless nights, long hours of work etc ensuring God is always at the centre. (more…)

  • Leather


    Happy Wednesday People 2 more days till the weekend….

    Wearing leather reminds me of how far we get stretched in life but can never loose our value.


  • Combat Mission

    Combat Mission

    Hi. It’s the weekend again! Hope you are making the most of it.

    As for me, these past couple of days I have been reflecting about how I use to live my life in so much fear and insecurities. How the opinions of other people were so important to me, and was afraid to be anything outside the box they have created for me. So I choose to emancipate myself, be free and live my life not only exist. You may ask how did you achieve it? Firstly, by taking all my fears and insecurities to God and trying to resolve issues with myself. At times, we have to start with the person you see in the mirror.


  • Black & Silver

    Black & Silver


    Happy mid week people!

    We all know that, in life things happen along the way. We may fall in and out of love, some people may hurt and disappoint us and we also may have done the same to others.


  • Burgundy…….



    Its been a while hoping you all are well and doing fabulous.

    Have you ever considered the reason you called some people in your life Friends? How do you choose your friends? Do you Pray about it? How do you measure a true friend isn’t by the things they do for you or are you on a similar path?

    We meet and have lots of people in our lives who influence us one way or the other, some influence our direction for good and others, obvious or not so obvious are a hindrance to the betterment of our lives. I believe that’s the beauty of life you need the mixture of different kind of people to enter your life to lead, teach or build a specific character, lesson or take you on a journey. There is a popular saying in my country, show me your friends and I will tell you exactly who you are. Let your choice in choosing friends to tell people about who you are and what you want in life. True friends may lead you to the altar of Jesus, Loyal, persistence in walking with the Lord and chasing their dreams, build each other just like the bible says iron sharpens iron. So as you are reading this,  I want you to pause and take an honest inventory of the people you consider now in your life as friends. After you have done this you may find out that some people are just part of your life for the benefit they enjoy from you or you from them, and some are completely in the opposite direction of where you are heading.


  • Double Denim

    Double Denim

    Happy Saturday.

    What a beautiful day, the sun is out after a freezing few days. This week at work was hectic and am glad it’s over, now I can relax and rejuvenate myself.


  • The Carmel Coat

    The Carmel Coat

    Hope you all are well.

    Today I want to encourage you to focus on things that help you grow in life as whatever you focus on you move towards. You have to create a vision for you life, have a mindset to succeed and know that somethings you have to try over and over again to achieve a goal. Above all let God be the center of all your plans.


  • Green………


    Hope you all are well. As for me its been those kind of days, when I don’t want feel like doing anything but without having any choice of mine I have to get up and go to work (haha).
    Today am asking you,What do you believe about yourself? I have been asking myself the same question for the past few days. Think about it for a minute. Do you underestimate or overestimate your capacity to make a change in your life or achieve what you perceive in your head or people make you feel is the impossible.
    For those of us that underestimate ourselves  most of the time, let’s start today by changing our mindset and believe that we are capable to achieve what ever we set our mind to do no matter how long its takes with God by our side nothing is impossible.

    Relaunch your life today its never too late.

    Outfit Details
    Clutch: Zara


  • Neutral With a POP

    Neutral With a POP

    Hope you all are doing fabulous am doing fine as well.

    Today am going to talk about Who we are. We all have been asked this question before, Who are you? and most of the time we tend to answer the question by giving our names and other background information about ourselves such as our education, employment and religious belief etc.
    Besides all that who are you really!
    Think about it. Are you living the life you want people to see and make them happy or are you living your life for you.
    I once lived a life that I always hide the person that I really wanted to be and was living what I call the approval syndrome life by showing people want they want to see and make them happy for the reputation I get. Don’t get me wrong am not a very wild or rebellious person in anyway but not perfect either.
    I’m on a journey to find ME so when someone ask me who am I? I will say am a woman who was given a gift called life and a great thought was put into creating a special being like me and am on an unending journey in finding me, by the people I meet, places I go, education and the constant thirst to keep learning and grow. I have created a vision for my life, set goals and am taking actions to achieve them.

    So am asking you this question today. Who are you?

    Outfit Details
    Coat: boohoo
    Clutch: Adorne


  • White + Ligh Blue + Nude

    White + Ligh Blue + Nude

    Hope you all are well and doing great.
    Sometimes we get so busy with loving others that we forget loving our selves.
