Author: Sonishspace

  • Appreciate “YOU”

    Appreciate “YOU”

    “You have to love yourself or you’ll never be able to accept compliment from anyone” Dean Wareham

    So how is your week going so far? Hang in there one more day till the weekend. As for me this week is going faster than I thought even though I was unwell at the start but feeling much better now.

    Are you the attention seeker or approval seeker type? We all need attention and approval sometimes, but not depend on it to feel appreciated.

    Always wanting people to appreciate and compliment us for what we do for them is frustrating and the reason we notice it, is because we haven’t practiced it on ourselves. (more…)

  • Slow Down & Smell the Coffee

    Slow Down & Smell the Coffee

    A couple of days ago I was watching a Nigerian Movie and one of the actress defined each letter of the word FOCUS which was quite intriguing and inspiring to me so I thought to share it with you: FOCUS=Follow One Course Until Succeed

    Hope your Sunday is going great. As for me Sunday has always been my favourite day of the week as it’s always so peaceful and that’s put me also in a relaxed mood to rejuvenate myself to start a new week.

    I was thinking a couple of days ago how I sometimes get so busy and forget to enjoy the process of the journey, Do you feel the same way too?  Don’t get me wrong am greatful for every opportunity, but what’s the point if you are so busy doing and not experiencing anything. So  I have decided to start focusing on one thing at a time until I succeed instead of trying  to achieve so many goals at one time which sometimes set me up to fail.

    So going forward and making it a conscious effort to stop doing things that are not of interest to me and focus on things that are, start my day with one positive thought, set myself boundaries and leave the rest in the arms of my God and Saviour, trusting him that he has everything under control. Further to this I will be enjoying every sip of my coffee, smell it, focus on the taste and think about the effort put into brewing it for my enjoyment and not just rush to gulp it down to make me feel more awake and energetic .

    Relax, take deep breaths and soak up every moment of your life as you never know that may be your last.

    My Fashion Corner:

    As it’s Spring in Australia I have been playing around with different colours in my closet. I bought this red scuba skirt from asos it was love at first sight am not really quite sure why the great attraction I just love it so I decided to wear my pink knit jumper with it as its wasn’t really cold nor hot that day so it was just perfect for the weather. Pink and red are two vibrant colours  so I thought my nude sexy sandals from missguided was the best option to seal the look and the handbag the gem hidden somewhere in my closet to compliment the outfit and bumping into was my lucky day.

    Outfit details: Top: Asos, Skirt: Asos, Heels: Missguided Similar, Handbag:

    Enjoy you Sunday and chat soon. Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to leave your comments below.

  • The Tunnel

    The Tunnel

    Are you under the Tunnel?

    Gosh this week went fast, hope you are enjoying your week so far and if you aren’t better days are ahead.
    The Tunnel! I’m sure most of us have driven under a tunnel and get that feeling of driving on what seems like an endless road to our destination. Oh the urge I usually get to just get out of there as I don’t like driving at a slower speed limit in a dark and  narrow road. Have you also noticed that it’s the only time we tend to lose all our aids helping us on the journey, suddenly the GPS lost signal and the radio our source of livelihood also goes off.                                                  (more…)

  • Distressed… RU Ok?

    Distressed… RU Ok?

    Hi Once again and welcome back to Sonish Space.

    Thursday was RU Ok day in Australia not sure if you observe this day in your country, but basically it’s a day set aside nationally to encourage and empower people to regularly and meaningfully ask if someone is OK in order to help those struggling with life by checking on one another making simple conversation as you never know what others maybe going through until you ask. We sometimes think we are being intrusive by asking if someone is ok or not but a simple hello can spark a conversation that will save someone’s life.

    We women have the ability to bottle up so many issues I believe that’s how God created us (a blessing and a curse I must say) and always living things unresolved hoping and praying things will change, but they don’t always do. We dress like a billion dollars, makeup on fleek and smile like we’re living in heaven,but so unhappy inside that one more issue will break us.

    This week alone in Queensland 3 women lost their lives due to domestic violence which is so sad, and makes me wonder if someone noticed the signs that they needed help or reach out for help themselves earlier that may have saved their lives. One of the Victim’s story says, she went to the police for help but they couldn’t help her which is still under investigation.

    Let make it an obligation to be our sister’s keeper, if you notice someone is going through something show genuine and non-judgemental support. There is a saying back home, that a woman’s heart is deeper than the deepest ocean in the world so imagine the width and vast of how many things we can get stored in our hearts, those several terrible breakups, financial problems, loss of love ones, self-esteem, worry about our children’s future the list goes on.

    One of my best preaching by TD Jakes called “God of my tight place” in the preaching he talks about how people are going through their own battles without you knowing it, he talks about how people can look and smile as normal but fighting a battle, so don’t ever forget to be kind to the people you meet every day. That cashier at the supermarket maybe serving you with smile but from a tight place, your GP maybe helping you get well and healthy from a tight place, your work colleague you seat next to and chat with everyday maybe in a tight place and most importantly our family and love ones maybe in a tight place we think we know them well and take it for granted not to ask them the simple question if they Ok?

    I plead with you today reach out to 2 or more people a day to check if they are Ok. It may sound so simple but that may be the most valuable thing you do for someone.

    So to all that is reading this RU ok? If you need to talk about anything am just an email away.

    My Fashion corner:

    So couple of days ago during my lunch break at work, I went into Forever 21 and bought these shorts for an unbelievable price so in my excitement I bought them in the two available colours, like they say  if you like them get them in every colour.  I know it’s not summer yet but I couldn’t wait to rock them I just love the distressed look and how you can dress them up and down (just thinking ahead of how I can wear it next). I decided to pair it with this top I got from missguided and grace it with my TB nude heels and the big curly hair just add volume to the outfit haha and I was ready to hit the city.

    Enjoy your day…. And talk soon

    Outfit Details: Top: Missguided, Shorts: Forever 21, Heels: Tony Bianco, Handbag: Michael Kors

  • Polka Dot

    Polka Dot

    Hi everyone hope you all are doing well, as for me the start of beautiful spring came with a glum, on Sunday evening me and my sister received the sad news of our cousin’s death back home in sierra Leone. It was a shock to us because he was so young and full of life (sometimes we forget death does not come with an age restriction) I called my uncle and he couldn’t stop crying on the phone and me and my sister cried with him as I could sense his deep agony of losing a first child. Apparently he was sick and the doctors were not able to detect the real problem so it went from one complication to another which is really sad and it makes me wonder if he was in a first world country like me if the story would have been different as back home they lack the right or should I say effective medical resources to treat patients and to make the situation even worse the country is still trying to find ways to combat the Ebola outbreak were thousands of people lost their lives and still counting.


  • Man….ish Happy Father’s Day

    Man….ish Happy Father’s Day

    Hi everyone,

    Today is Father’s Day in Australia , am not sure why this day is not observe universally on a set date but oh well we celebrate it today here in Australia.

    I just want to wish all the amazing fathers out there striving to provide for their children and set for them a good example to follow in a world were wrong is now seem right.

    I am a daddy’s girl even though am now married, as I have not lived with my Mom now for over 15 years hmmm that’s a story for another day but she is still well and ALIVE though!! Just needed to state that to make it clear.


  • Lilac & Coral

    Lilac & Coral

    Hi everyone,

    Hurray! I welcome you Spring, thanks for your arrival I was beginning to think you will never come as I was getting tired of the cold and being sick with the Flu (haha).

    I have been having lazy nights, hooked on watching POWER not sure if you have heard about this American TV series, I thinks it’s a good show even though not everything on it is my cup of tea.

    Anyway couple of days ago I was listening to one of TD Jakes preaching called “Dealing with the Unexpected” (leave it alone) hmmmmm (sigh) that’s such a hard task, when we are all constantly trying to fix our lives and tackle every obstacle in our way. Our first impulse is to fight whenever we encounter a problem because I believe God created us to be winners and no tiny obstacle would not stop us. But does it have to be that way all the time? Do we have to fight every battle? Fighting every battle will make us weary and suck the life out of us.  As stated in psalm 46:10 be still and know that I am God. Be still and rejoice God will fight all your battles on your behalf. Well it’s not always that easy and am so guilty of this all the time.


  • Rust……



    Happy Mid Week.

    I have been remisnising about when I decided to start blogging early 2014, after long procrastination I finally decided to start in April this year. Looking back at it now, am glad I started this blog which enable me to show case my style, belief and passion to the world. Now I truly believe that whatever you focus on you move towards. The blogging platform is all new to me but am enjoying every bit of the learning process, especially interacting with wonderful and talented people.

    I started this Journey with a single step and with one purpose, to be able to add value to someone else’s life by being me. Its takes a lot of will power to stay true to who you are in this blogging world, because the influences are too great. I constantly have to remind myself that I was not created to blend in but stand out in the crowd, not in a proud way but I want to look back and be happy that this was all me (Love the feeling every post).

    There is something about being yourself that makes you beautiful, and people can sense that. Be your own competition and make the changes necessary. Always take a second to always reevalute why you are doing something, If someone have influence you in a way remember to ask yourself if this is you. You can emulate someone but don’t lose yourself in it. Copying is hard work and it never last.. But being an original goes a long way as you always find ways to improve.

    Enjoy the rest of your week and chat soon.

    Outfit Details: Top: Dissh, Skirt: Missguided, Heels: Tony Bianco, Clutch: Adorne, Lips: Australis

  • Denim Incorp…..

    Denim Incorp…..

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin
    Happy Saturday you all.

    Today I want to share a scripture that really touched my heart this morning during my quiet time. I hope it speak to you as well.


  • Yellowish Grey

    Yellowish Grey

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

    Hope you all are having a fantastic week so far. Am having those days just counting my blessings. Asking God to forgive me if I don’t have these days as often I should be. He has been faithful and I thank him for all his blessings.
