Making Green work for me

Making Green work for me

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‘Don’t be in a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let your life surprise you’

I saw this quote above andĀ I’ve beenĀ holding on tight to this concept of living, so these days I sit down and smile in appreciation of life, including everything I have, everything I am currently striving towards and accepting the things I know I can’t have.Ā With that in mind,Ā I hold onto faith that all the veers are all path to take me to my destination.

I hope you are also having a smile and enjoying your sunday and life as a whole, you only got one lifeĀ to live so embrace it withĀ all the good, bad and ugly and in thatĀ you are telling the world your beautiful story in your own unique way. I pray you all are keeping well.

So yesterday I invited few friends toĀ come overĀ  to help me Ā SURPRISE my hubbyĀ in thanksgiving toĀ God forĀ protecting him over in Afghanistan and bringing him home safely.Ā Trying to organize it was hard as my hubbyĀ is a very good observant andĀ doesn’t like surprises.Ā I realise that closer to the party he had a clue, but he wasn’t quite sure what was going on, so we were playing the game, oh boyĀ it was a mission to get him out of the house. I had to get myĀ sister and friends to help me set up the surprise. I lied that I booked a family dinner and it will be good for us all to get out of the house and have some fun. On our way to the dinner I told him that we were so late for the dinner and the restaurant has cancelled my reservationĀ  due to him being soĀ slow to get readyĀ and I pretended to be soĀ  upset. (the actress in me) and I turned the car around and head back home. We came home and our friends were there to say surprise to him, he wasn’t that surprise, but it was a great fun night and now am left with the cleaning to do.

Stay Safe andĀ go into the new week with a positive attitude.

My fashion Corner:

I wore this outfit to a friend’s send off party at a club, but with a different heels and different coat. I was so tired in the morning so I just revamp it to make it a little appropriate for church. If you have been around you will notice that I love crop tops and high waisted pants. Those two items I cant’t get enough off. I think high waisted pants give you the extra huufs and tuck everything in, if you know what am taking about.

Green……….It’s not one of my favourite colour, but look who is talking not even sure what my favourite colour is anymore, because I love every colour. Anyway this was one of those I don’t know what I want to wear scenarios and because it was very handle and not in my suitcase I was like yeah man will make it work. I got the coat from a market for $5 and the pants for $7. The things you find as a bargain hunter. Fashion really doesn’t have to cost much.



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